Dr. Wendy Wilson

As a Featured Woman of The Bold Maven™, we highlight prominent and notable every day professionals across various industries who shine as bright as diamonds!

Dr. Wendy M. Wilson is a transformational leader with a proven reputation for advancing organizational operations and profiles throughout post-secondary education and corporate systems. Dr. Wilson is the CEO of W2 Communications, a boutique consulting firm specializing in executive coaching, career planning, professional development, and DEI training. Dr. Wilson has influenced and created opportunities of success for over 17 years with some of her notable clients being USDA, American Council on Education, AARP, Academic Impressions, Strada Education Network, United Way of Southwest Georgia, the City of Albany, GA, and AT&T. Dr. Wilson’s executive coaching expertise has resulted in clients receiving job offers from JP Morgan Chase to the White House. Recognized as a premier leadership and professional development trainer within the public and private sector, Dr. Wilson is also an author, with works including “Still Few Brewers, Burns and Hobsons in the Higher Education Space”, “Thriving as a Woman in Leadership in Higher Education”, and “101 Career Planning and Executive Presence Strategies”. Additionally, she hosts “Realizing Potential”, a television show highlighting the accomplishments of state and regional leadership, featuring notable conversations with figures like UNICEF Ambassador and film star Danny Glover and trained dancer and actor Jasmine Guy. A native of Detroit, Michigan, Wilson holds a Doctorate (Ed.D.) in Curriculum Leadership from Columbus State University, a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from Central Michigan University, and a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Bluefield College.

Q: Are there any misconceptions about the work that you do that you’d like to shed light on?

A: Yes! One of them is that it’s very narrow and focused. What I mean by that is when you speak about career planning design, it’s so much more broader than having your resume, bio and cover letter ready. It’s very complex. It is a system of behaviors and decisions that you have to make on a daily basis. I coach my clients on the value and the importance of Executive Presence. It’s a model of three important areas: healthy emotional intelligence, how you are perceived by others, and how you engage with others. The combination of the three then yields your Executive Presence whether you are coming straight out of high school, or just having earned a college degree, all the way to the C-suite. In regards to the misconceptions, your entire professional composition will then determine whether you can go beyond the door and have a seat at the table, or you stay on the outside looking in. 

Q: Are there any women, whether in your line of work or beyond, that you admire and keep you motivated or inspired? 

A: Someone who immediately comes to mind is Mellody Hobson. She’s the co-CEO of Ariel Investments. What I have been just so impressed with is that she is very passionate,  and deliberately focused on whatever it is that she embarks upon and pursues.  She remains a committed subject matter expert within the discipline and industry of Finance and that has positioned her to successfully transition into other professional spaces. Impressively she showcases her authentic self consistently. I have the utmost respect and  continue to learn a lot from her. 

Then other women who have directly impacted me are my mom, who’s no longer here, my very first mentor, my grandmother, who is 94, and currently challenged with dementia, but by example has shaped and fashioned me in countless ways. I’ve always loved her combination of brains, beauty and bravery. And then my favorite aunt, who is also no longer here. Our career paths have actually mirrored. She too was as a former human resources professional, and then transitioned into higher education. I continue to travel the exact professional path. It’s a myriad of people that I’m proud to say continue to guide and influence who I am as a woman and professional.

Q: What three words would you use to describe yourself?

A: I would have to say transparent, visionary and compassionate.

Q: If there was any piece of advice that you can give your younger self, what would that be?

A: This question was asked to me the other day, and I said, ‘be patient with yourself.’ As I now further reflect, I would also add enjoy yourself, as others enjoy you. We put a lot of undue pressure on ourselves.  We often under-value our personal offerings, gifts and talents the world consumes.  This is coupled with the idea that what we offer is not enough. Instead we should practice consistent self-appreciation and recognition of the gifts, talents and offerings we generously give. Be ever mindful of what we bring to each  moment and experience. Be bold and brave enough to celebrate and enjoy all that you bestow to others, all that you bestow to the world.  These acts are neither braggadocious or egotistical but a demonstration of honoring what has been divinely given to you.  

Q: What is your vision for yourself within the next five to 10 years? 

A: I see myself traveling the globe more. I’m an avid learner and I absolutely love to read. I see myself on larger platforms and stages telling the importance and the value of Executive Presence. But also more importantly, reminding individuals that their careers and their positions, do not define who you are as an individual. It is an aspect of you; it is not the whole you. I see myself sharing my story and teaching others about developing their Executive Presence as early as possible. Also, just continuing to live a very healthy life in all aspects. My life plans include improving my mental wellness, physical wellness, emotional wellness, and just giving thanks for each day that’s given. 

To stay connected to Dr. Wilson:

             To purchase 101 Career Planning & Executive Presence Strategies – Amazon or Dr.WendyWilson101.com        

             Strategies-  DrWendyWilson101.com      

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