The Visionary Gem: Tiffany LaTrice

The Visionary Gem: Tiffany LaTrice

In the world of visual arts, where systemic barriers often stifle creativity, one woman has made it her mission to not only break those barriers but also to uplift and empower her community. Tiffany LaTrice’s resilience, innovation and unwavering commitment has forged her a lane in the art space where vision meets opportunity for those who look like her. Her reflective journey has not only allowed for her to break down those barriers, but stand on a mission to create space for Black women to nurture themselves spiritually and physically through art.  

For Tiffany, the work she does is not just professional — it’s deeply personal. Her experience as a painter has given her a profound empathy for other visual artists navigating through their own lived experience. She understands the urgency to create despite the widespread obstacles that often hinder this creative drive.

“I’m the problem I’m trying to solve,” Tiffany reflects, acknowledging that the struggles she faces as a Black female artist are the same ones she’s striving to overcome for others. 

This drive for change is what has inspired her to create TILA Studios, a no commission gallery space and creative agency that exhibits the works of Black women. This Atlanta-based visual arts collective not only displays original works for purchase from its featured artists, but allows for gallery goers to attend classes taught by those artists; offering an exclusively rare up close and personal experience for art enthusiasts.  

Tiffany’s passion for supporting Black women artists, like herself, didn’t just appear overnight. It is a dream realized, dating all the way back to her childhood. As a seventh-grader in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Tiffany’s experience in an entrepreneurship course led by Girls Inc., gave her the opportunity to craft her own business plan. It was then that she envisioned a creative space for Black student artists to thrive and flourish. 

“I’ve always been an artist since I was a kid, and so I wrote this business plan about this art space for black people,” explains Tiffany. “I actually won the pitch competition and asked myself, ‘why not just take that leap of faith and believe in myself in the same way?’”

Tiffany’s drive at such a young age was not only a tell-tale sign of her future success, but an early indicator for the innovative spirit she would carry into adulthood, however it didn’t come without a heavy dose of doubters, most of whom hit close to home. 

“I had very rigid parents who never thought art could be a successful career,” reflects Tiffany. “I had to learn how to use this gift as a way to create a creative life that was non traditional, despite what my parents thought.”

Despite her parents’ rigid expectations—her mother a principal, her father an athlete—Tiffany never abandoned her love for art. Even through her stints with corporate America, she continued to nurture it as a way of healing which eventually became the foundation for her future endeavors, including TILA Studios. 

Perhaps the most impactful part of Tiffany’s story is her own leap of faith journey. Before launching her agency, Tiffany took a two-year sabbatical to reconnect with herself, stripping away the external markers of success, including her job, her Manhattan, New York apartment and even her shiny lawyer boyfriend. Through this period of introspection, Tiffany spent her days painting, meditating, and journaling allowing her to rediscover who she was at her core. With our worlds so full of responsibility of day to day life, it became easy to forget our hearts deepest desires. ‘Who is Tiffany at the bottom of the bottom with no goal or direction?’ she would often ask herself. The answer was simple: a storyteller through art.

“I wanted to unravel myself,” explains Tiffany. “When you’re living your life for other people than yourself, it’s an unlearning that you have to go through. I eventually learned that my sabbatical wasn’t just about my personal growth. It prepared me to help other women find their voices through art.”

Tiffany’s life-long dreams and newfound vision for other Black women allowed her to utilize her corporate experience to build a business that reflected her values while supporting her community and catapulting the career of other Black female artists. 

While Tiffany’s agency started as a communal art collective, a space where Black women could come together, share skills, and exhibit their work, over time it has grown into something beyond Tiffany and even the studio itself. TILA Studios has catapulted the careers of many Black female artists through their curated exhibitions which garner the attention of museums and have fostered partnerships with major brands such as Sweetgreen, BET, Dove, and Visa. 

“The quality of our work speaks for itself. We make sure to document our artists’ journeys and ensure their stories are told and their work is recognized,” says Tiffany. 

Although Tiffany’s honorable work ethic has created a track record of success, she still recognizes that there is still much to do to ensure Black art recognition. Tiffany still has to fight seemingly uphill battles, one of which is the lack of funding for art itself, despite the rich culture the city of Atlanta provides.   

For Tiffany, it’s not just about balance; it’s about harmony and embracing the ebbs and flows of life. As a Black woman leading a Black-owned agency, Tiffany understands that she is not just creating space and opportunity for art—she’s building a legacy. While she’s hesitant to set rigid goals for herself and agency, her primary focus remains doing work that feels aligned with her values and spirit. 

“I think success is when you’re truly standing in your authentic self,” reveals Tiffany. “That’s what I try to attract and that’s the work I try to do. I’ve learned to be okay with the unknown. As long as I’m moving forward, that is the ultimate goal.”


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