The Resilient Gem: La’Kendra Soublet

Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

In the bustling world of culinary arts, success is often measured not just by talent, but by resilience, determination, and even a dash of luck. La’Kendra Soublet, Head of Culinary Operations at the Thompson Atlanta Buckhead hotel, shares her remarkable journey from humble beginnings to overseeing prestigious hotel dining experiences. While success as a culinary chef isn’t always as it seems, in this exclusive interview with The Bold Maven™️, we pull the curtain back to dining rooms and step into the kitchen. 

“As head of culinary operations, I oversee anything and everything food-related that comes out of the kitchen. So, whatever dining experience you’re having, whether it’s good or bad, comes to me,” La’Kendra explains, her passion evident in every word. From rooftop operations to crafting menus for special events, she’s a driving force behind the culinary excellence that graces the hotel each and every day.

But La’Kendra’s ascent wasn’t without its challenges. “Truthfully, when you first graduate from culinary school, they paint this picture of immediate success,” she reflects. “But that’s not reality. You start from the bottom, and you work your way up.”

Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

For many, culinary pursuits begin with a dream, a vision of creating something extraordinary. These aspirations aren’t merely fleeting desires; they represent a journey marked by resilience and determination.

Starting from the bottom, La’Kendra’s vision was clear from the start. Like her peers, she dreamed of becoming an Executive Chef at a top-rated restaurant, or even owning her own place. By trusting in her own journey, La’Kendra’s been able to rise above and swiftly move upward through the ranks until her path led her to the hospitality industry, where she found a home in hotels where she enjoys countless benefits and stability that she truly values. 

“I chose hotels because they offered benefits, structure, and opportunities for growth,” La’Kendra explains. “It aligned with what I valued, and I stuck with it…and there’s still room for me to grow!” 

Yet, even in her proudest moments, La’Kendra acknowledges the uphill battle faced by Women of Color in the culinary world. She admits that people who look like her are not always welcomed in this industry with open arms, which is another testament to La’Kendra’s drive and determination to succeed. 

 “You don’t see people that look like me in these spaces,” La’Kendra admits. “But I’m proud to be part of a brand like Hyatt, which prioritizes diversity and inclusivity.” La’Kendra proves that alignment with the right organization and guided by the right leadership, anything is possible. 

La’Kendra recounts how impactful it has been working in a hotel that has a Black General Manager, something she’s never seen before. Working for a brand that has a minority and diversity foundation, makes all the difference in her experience as a Black woman in the culinary space, paving the way for future young Black chefs.

“I’ve never worked in a hotel brand that pushed [diversity] and was serious about it versus trying to meet a percentage. I’m proud to know that’s something that they stand on,” says La’Kendra. 

The lack of diversity of women and Black people overall being in the Executive Chef position in corporate culinary operations is nothing new. This is one element of La’Kendra’s journey she has had to face head on, even when her expertise far outweighs that of the competition. 

“The thing about it that is so tough is that someone can be less talented, less knowledgeable and less qualified than you, and they will still bypass you if you don’t fit the look,” says La’Kendra.

Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

Navigating through a predominantly male industry, La’Kendra has learned valuable lessons along the way such as removing her feelings when it comes to being in leadership. In corporate settings, it’s important to learn how to have hard conversations about the performance of others when moving up in management. Not only does it enhance leadership, but it instills valuable decision-making skills.

Another great challenge that has loomed over the hospitality industry was a remnant of life during Covid and its impact on the service and hospitality industry as a whole. “People don’t understand how hard this industry really is,” advises La’Kendra. “When Covid hit and restaurants had to close their doors permanently, people that worked off tips weren’t making any money.”

La’Kendra stresses at how tense it was for those in service to be out of work for an entire year. The combination of being under the heat lamps and burning stoves mixed with employment pressures, long work hours and short breaks can have a negative trickle effect on the morale of the entire team, from service staff all the way to the cooks in the kitchen, evidence that maintaining the passion behind culinary arts is vital. 

The culinary world is notorious for its high-pressure environments, where stress lurks around every corner. La’Kendra emphasizes the importance of maintaining a level of balance, even though she’s admitted to struggling to achieve it at times. Through therapy, exercise, and moments of relaxation, she finds solace amidst the chaos. It’s a reminder that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity in demanding professions such as this one.

“I go to the gym three times a week to try to use that as a therapeutic notion, reveals La’Kendra. “You still also have to try to have fun, regardless of how much you work. But I give my therapist a whole lot of credit. She helps me a lot.”

Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

From grueling hours to physical demands, the realities often diverge from public perception, however through it all, the end result is what truly matters. Hospitality professionals aren’t merely serving meals; they’re orchestrating experiences. 

“Food brings people together. The food in front of you can change your whole day. I want to be part of something that makes people feel good, says La’Kendra. 

As La’Kendra continues to climb the culinary ladder, she remains committed to her craft and the pursuit of excellence by continuing to create lasting memories for her guests. Not only is she able to stay inspired by her great love for the industry, La’Kendra is able to transfer her culinary magic to her repeat guests, thus becoming a go-to person for a great dining experience. 

One of La’Kendra’s favorite quotes, attributed to Ayn Rand, encapsulates her overall outlook on life: “The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me?” It’s a mantra that underscores her unwavering resolve and refusal to let obstacles hinder her path.

From waitress to culinary visionary, La’Kendra Soublet’s journey embodies the resilience and determination required to thrive in the culinary world. As she continues to break barriers and inspire others, her story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and passion in living out one’s dreams.



To stay connected with La’Kendra Soublet:

Instagram: @ohthats_soublet & @gourmet_with_soublet

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