The Passionate Gem: Alexis Redding

The Passionate Gem: Alexis Redding
Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

A path paved by passion, purpose and persistence. Alexis Redding gives The Bold Maven™️ an exclusive peek behind the curtain of her life and her journey towards her true calling. 

Alexis is a dynamic luxury Atlanta-based realtor that has worked tirelessly to forge a career path for herself that harmonizes with her genuine passions. With a deep passion for interior design early in her life, she’s found a way to focus on her passion for the arts and creativity through real estate. 

Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

It’s remarkable how the world of interior design can transform spaces into works of art, blending aesthetics, functionality, and creativity. However, my perception of the design world changed as I became aware of how television networks like HGTV tend to edit their content to showcase only what they believe to be the best moments and ideas,” says Alexis. “It’s a glimpse into the world of design, but not the whole picture.”

Alexis explains how her early exposure to television at her grandmother’s house, made a significant influence on her interests. She fondly reflects on watching channels such as HGTV, National Geographic and Animal Planet which gave her insight into what she considers to be the best of both worlds – the creative world of art and design, along with science and the natural world. She made a decision then to explore both. 

As life, and family influence, pushed her towards the study of Biology, Alexis soon discovered the ever-persistent feeling that something was still missing. This feeling led her to a crossroads. Does she continue studying Biology like everyone in her life wants her to, or does she embark on a journey to align with her true passions? This is how she found herself diving head-first into real estate. 

Photograph courtesy of Noor Ul Hannan, @noorinthestu

“This shift wasn’t just a career change for me. It became this transformation of my entire outlook on life,” reveals Alexis. There was a warmth in my heart that I had never experienced before; a sense of alignment with my true self.”

Even before obtaining her real estate license, Alexis uncovers that she felt an overwhelming sense of purpose in the industry. This is how she knew she was certain that her decision was a good one. She made this decision with a profound sense of conviction. 

Enrolling in real estate classes and acquiring her license marked the inception of a journey that would infuse her life with warmth and alignment like never before. While Alexis now has a successful career that aligns with her interests, she also thrives under the dedication to provide value and a commitment to helping individuals and families find the perfect place to call home. Her unwavering dedication to always putting the needs and desires of her clients first, is what makes Alexis a true force within the industry, but not without understanding her own self-care rituals that keep her balanced and at the top of her game. 

“Maintaining balance in my life is essential for me to be effective in my professional role. I prioritize self-care and personal grounding because it allows me to be fully present and supportive for my clients. After all, you can’t give your best to others if you’re neglecting yourself,” says Alexis.

She emphasizes that her typical self-care routine includes journaling, meditation, pilates and other practices that help her maintain clear, focused energy.

More than anything, Alexis’ pursuit of her passions is a true testament to the personal satisfaction we feel when our gifts are in alignment with our purpose. Not only has Alexis found joy and excitement in her professional life, but she also expands on her passion by giving back to the community. She describes one of her early dreams as a young girl was to become a pediatrician. Her love for children is what sparks her philanthropic desires of helping children and need while combating the homelessness crisis that plagues our nation. She sees these efforts as a natural extension of her ability to assist those in need. 

“My motivation is drawn from a multitude of sources, but when I trace them back, they all converge on a singular origin. God. I believe that God provides me with countless interactions and influences that fuel my drive,” proclaims Alexis. “Whether it’s a mentor, a family member, a close friend, a chance encounter with a stranger, or even a post on social media, each element in my life seems to fall into place, guiding me on my divine path. It’s a continuous alignment that ultimately points back to the ultimate source of inspiration, God.”

Her profound spiritual connection along with her ability to tap into optimism, Alexis shows no signs of slowing down! Guided by her favorite saying, “the essence of that which is like unto itself is drawn,” Alexis uses her transformative mindset to continue steering her towards new outlooks and perspectives. Alexis proves to us all that whatever she sets her mind to, she excels…thus encouraging us all to do the same.

To stay connected with Alexis Redding:


Instagram: @alexisrealtoratl

Facebook: @alexisrealtyatl

Twitter: @alexisrealtyatl

YouTube: @AlexisRealtorAtl

LinkedIn: Alexis Redding

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