The Authentic Gem: Valentina Belén Soto Vargas

The Authentic Gem: Valentina Belén Soto Vargas

Greek philosopher Socrates once said, “know thyself.” These two seemingly straightforward words may sound simple, but can truly pack a punch once we start to unpack them. How much of ourselves do we truly know? If it isn’t much, how willing are we to continue to find out? Living in a world where expectations and societal norms often dictate our paths, we can sometimes lose sight of who we are in our authentic selves. Life can start to get in the way. For Primary School Teacher and Ontological Executive Coach, Valentina Belén Soto Vargas, the mission is clear: encourage and inspire women to become the protagonist of her own story.

“I invite all women to question themselves, reflect on your history and see yourself within the broader context of your life,” says Valentina. 

Valentina believes that each of us are individuals that have grown within specific cultures and family structures that have shaped our ways of being, thinking and acting. The more we question ourselves, the more we learn who we truly are at the core rather than what society has influenced us to be and who the people in our lives expect us to be. 

For Valentina, her journey towards self-discovery and empowerment began early in life with the support and encouragement from her teachers. As a shy child stacked with insecurities, Valentina found refuge in her teachers, who not only established confidence in her as a student, but showed her firsthand the importance of building connections in order to support children. Thus, started her long, steadfast journey of pouring into others.   

“From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a teacher,” reveals Valentina. “I remember visiting my Aunt Rebeca, who was a teacher, and she would let me help her grade tests and collect teaching materials to play teacher at home. I knew from then on that I would follow in her footsteps.” 

Valentina’s passion only continued to grow as she pursued her teaching degree and eventually became a teacher in her home country of Chile where political unrest within its former dictatorship put a spotlight on the importance of basic human rights, such as education. With 2024 marking the 51st anniversary of Chile’s military coup, Valentina finds that education is a political act in which teachers are tasked with the development of our leaders of the future. This notion of responsibility is perhaps the driving force behind Valentina’s desire to teach and motivate women how to find their voice and actively step into the woman they aspire to be.   

“Despite living in a patriarchal society, where women continue to fight for their rightful place, it’s essential to listen to yourself with empathy and honor your feelings.” instructs Valentina. “This work is a collective act. We depend on each other to thrive, and supporting one another is crucial in this journey of self-recognition and empowerment.”

As an Ontological Executive Coach, Valentina understands that self-love and self-esteem start from within and at an early age. Through her role in coaching, Valentina also gives other instructors tools to eliminate the limiting beliefs that all of us tend to have deep inside. 

With all of Valentina’s deep-rooted discovery work, she also enforces a necessary equilibrium between activity and rest, which has further fostered her connection with herself while listening to her inner voice. This process has perhaps ignited Valentina’s vigor for women, just like her, to not just tip toe around their life, but truly question it and understand what we need to stay stimulated, inspired and connected with ourselves. For Valentina, this happens through her Biodanza facilitation training, a system of integration and affective reeducation through music, dance, and human connection. Throughout this systematic approach, Valentina has been able to break the paradigm that vitality means living life to the fullest and instead embodies the perfect balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

“Recognizing and valuing your voice requires courage, especially in a world where women’s voices are often overshadowed,” reveals Valentina. “Defend your voice, particularly to yourself, by giving it the space it deserves. We only have one life. The present moment is the time to explore yourself, recognize what limits you, and work on these limitations to achieve your dreams. That is authenticity.”

Valentina believes that through practicing self-love and asking questions to promote self-awareness is the guiding light to discovering your authentic voice. The journey to seek out your own voice is strengthened by the self-confidence and power you gain along the way, which allows you to recognize the path that leads to your dreams. 

“I’ve learned that at my core, I am bold, determined, and somewhat romantic by always fighting for my dreams,” says Valentina. “The more we immerse ourselves in self-discovery, the stronger we become collectively to create a world where women’s voices are heard, respected and celebrated.”

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