Wellness trends for 2023

Wellness trends for 2023

The year has already started, but there’s still time to think about goals and resolutions for the countless days ahead. Topics about well-being, aiming to take care of the body, mind, and life are always welcome, right? After all, who doesn’t want to stay in shape, lose weight, adopt a healthier diet, improve sleep quality, and more? Without “miracle formulas”, but seeking daily actions for constant results, check out some wellness trends for 2023, according to “Gympass”:

1. Technology Drives Wellness Trends

Get ready to wear your Apple Watch a lot this year! Technological devices like it are increasingly popular and are great for monitoring and tracking performance in physical activities, sleep, calories burned, stress levels and much more. Through the watch it is even possible to control health issues such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity, monitoring activity levels, heart rate and blood pressure.

2. Sports-specific yoga for everyone

The practice of yoga is becoming increasingly popular, and now instructors are developing new exercise and meditation practices specifically for those who play different types of sports, such as golf, running, and even dance. Whatever your sport, there is a yoga class to help stretch out overworked muscles and balance body and mind.

3. Breathing – a tool anyone can use at any time

Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe? Few people are aware of and take advantage of the power of their breath. The use of ancient breathing techniques like pranayama – can increase energy, reduce pain, increase creativity, improve focus, improve work performance, balance the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, boost morale and even reduce stress.

Ujjayi breathing on the other hand – an audible breath that is inhaled and exhaled through the nose – is a mood booster that reduces stress and increases concentration and focus.

5. Plant-based meals on the…

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