Benefits of Goji Berry and Chia

Benefits of Goji Berry and Chia

Hi ladies,

Today I want to share with you some important information about Chia and Goji berry.

The goji berry is considered a super food (name given to foods that has an incredible variety of health benefits, which go far beyond their nutritional value).  These foods usually contain a combination of essential fatty acids, antioxidants and essential amino acids.

The goji berry has a great quantity of antioxidant nutrients. For this reason, it is considered a super nutritional fruit. It contains 18 amino acids, high concentrations of vitamin A (beta-carotene), B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. It is the fruit with the highest amount of vitamin C (has much more than the orange, for example), rich in iron, polysaccharides and phytochemicals.


  • Rich in arginine and glutamine, which assist in the release of growth hormone (interesting for anyone who wants to gain lean mass);
  • Powerful stimulant, helps to increase the level of energy and ability to concentrate;
  • By it’s stimulating action, can also help in the reduction of fatigue and stress;
  • Its antioxidant action promises benefits in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes;
  • Rich in phytochemicals (carotenoide, zeaxanthin, lutein and anthocyanins) that act as anti cancer agents. The carotenoids are substances that prevent aging of the skin. The zeaxanthin and lutein are substances which act on eye protection;
  • By containing tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, its consumption is associated with good-humor, joy and satisfaction;
  • Helps to balance the levels of cholesterol, due to the presence of beta-sisterol, which has anti-inflammatory action.

For those who are looking to include this fruit in your diet, the ideal is to include it in the morning or before you go to the gym. You can mix it with other fruits, or add in your yogurt, cereal, salad, shakes or juices.


Chia is rich in ômegas 3 and 6: that help to increase the good cholesterol (HDL), reduce the “bad”…

Read the full article here

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