Tina Knowles slams trolls accusing Beyoncé of skin bleaching

Tina Knowles slams trolls accusing Beyoncé of skin bleaching

You wanna mess with Beyoncé, you have to be prepared for the wrath of the Beehive, but that’s not all you have to worry about. In true mama bear fashion, Tina Knowles has broken her usual tight lip to come and get the trolls and critics in order and to tell them what’s what.

You see, the internet was doing its thing in regard to Beyoncé’s Renaissance film premiere look, with flowing platinum hair. Yes, Beyoncé does look paler than usual, but rather than think about the way that the colour of her hair impacts the appearance of her skin tone, the silver dress and carpet, the season, the special lighting (all potentially impacting her appearance), some people decided the star must have bleached her skin, or was ‘trying to look white’. But Aunty Tina? She wasn’t having it, and shared this fan-made video with a lengthy caption, and no holding back.

“Came across this today and decided to post it after seeing all of the stupid, ignorant, self-hating racist statements about her lightening her skin, and wearing , wanting to be white. She does a film called the , where the whole theme is silver with silver hair, a silver carpet, and suggested silver attire, and you bozos decide that she’s trying to be a white woman and is bleaching her skin?”

platinum hairRenaissance

She even revealed a white journalist had reached out to Beyoncé’s hair stylist Neal Farinah, asking for a statement on fans apparently saying Beyoncé wanted to be white, with Ms Tina saying it ‘Made my blood boil”

After referencing the incredible Black stars that have worn platinum hair for the last century, all the way back to Etta James, Ms Tina simply put; “I am sick and tired of people attacking her. Every time she does something that she works her ass off for and is a statement of her work ethic, talent and resilience. Here you sad little haters come out the woodwork. Jealousy and racism, sexism, double standards, you perpetuate those things.”

It’s not typical for anyone from the family to speak out…

Read the full article here

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