While a chic hair-do and natural make up can go a long way towards a youthful appearance, poor outfit choices can bring the entire look down.
Most women try to look a little younger than their current age – and yet some could be doing the exact opposite because of their fashion decisions.
Stylist to the stars Miranda Holder says there are some style rules you should absolutely stick to if you want to appear more youthful – including wearing the right colours to complement your skin tone.
She also stressed that those looking to drop a few years from their age should always dress for their body shape.
The celebrity stylist also warns against getting stuck in your favourite decade of fashion.
Miranda says Helen Mirren sported unflattering colours as she made a head-turning exit from the Good Morning Studios in New York City in March 2023
She told FEMAIL: ‘While there is absolutely nothing wrong with a look inspired by the 70’s, 60’s or even 80s – fashion is after all circular, and even the diciest of trends can come back around like a bad taste boomerang – sticking resolutely to a fashion formula that belongs firmly in the past really isn’t going to do you any favours.’
‘Wearing solely styles of yesteryear whilst resolutely ignoring all that is current is a fast way to the fashion graveyard,’ added the expert.
Here, Miranda shares the 10 fashion mistakes that instantly make you look older…
1. Wearing the wrong colours
Let’s start at the very beginning. The quickest, easiest fashion faux pas, guaranteed to age you in an instant is very simply wearing the wrong colours.
Yep, you can be wearing the most drool-worthy creation from the most coveted Parisian Couturier, but if the colour is wrong, all the Chanel in the world won’t help you, and you’ll end up looking less Carrie Bradshaw and more Pat Butcher.
Whether it’s hiding yourself away in too much black, or washing out your skin tone in too many pastels, choosing the wrong hue for you can add a visual decade…
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