Inside the Workspace and Atelier of Renowned Syrian Couturier Rami Al Ali

Inside the Workspace and Atelier of Renowned Syrian Couturier Rami Al Ali

Ultra-organized, full of life, and infused with the fragrance of jasmine. A renowned couture designer opens the doors to his world.

Photo: Rohit Sabu

Syrian couturier Rami Al Ali has long been mesmerized by the effect that appearance has on people. “I used to watch my mother getting ready to receive guests, observing how her personality changed, her posture transformed, and her confidence grew. And in return, I witnessed how we changed towards her – it was all because of the shift in her appearance, because of the dress she wore,” he reminisces. At the time, he didn’t know what fashion design meant, but he understood its influence. Today, Al Ali’s designs are worn by high-profile celebrities such as Aishwarya Rai, Beyoncé, Eva Longoria, Nawal El Kuwaitia, Jennifer Lopez, Mona Kattan, and Yousra, to name a few.

The Dubai-based couturier works in two separate spaces – his office, and his atelier, both located in the Dubai Design District. “My office is where I keep all my books, my MacBook, and sketching pads,” says Al Ali. It’s a quiet, isolated space on the ground floor where the designer does most of his research and lays the foundations for any new creation. “It’s primarily used for planning and is where I conduct meetings, build strategies, analyze numbers, and delegate tasks.” Al Ali’s second space is inside his atelier. In contrast it’s situated on the energetic, colorful first floor surrounded by fabric swatches, embroidery samples, and a mannequin for exploring draping techniques. “It’s where the execution happens. It’s where I bring my ideas to life, work alongside the rest of the team, and engage in creative activities,” he describes.

Photo: Rohit Sabu

Al Ali’s favorite place to work is his atelier. “It’s where I’m surrounded by all the references I need and feel energized by the creative atmosphere,” he elaborates. The designer prefers a minimalist space bathed in neutral colors to allow for…

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