I Eat 30 Grams of Protein For Breakfast Every Day

I Eat 30 Grams of Protein For Breakfast Every Day

All three breakfast alternatives can be varied with spices or in their preparation – and keep me full for several hours.

30 grams of protein for breakfast: What has changed

Eating such a protein-rich meal first thing in the morning or mid-morning definitely gives me more energy throughout the day. This was already noticeable on the first day. I also work with higher levels of concentration and no longer think about snacks or the like until lunch because I am full and extremely satisfied. In particular, the lasting feeling of satiety that I have felt since then surprises me every day. During my last cycle, I also had the feeling that cravings were kept in check even during the luteal phase – which is a great success by my standards. A higher amount of protein in the morning has brought much more calm into my day.

Why does it have to be breakfast?

Protein has an effect on cravings, because cravings always arise when the body is lacking something, says nutritionist Dr. Heike Niemeier. By getting protein early in the morning, the body is satisfied – which curbs cravings for snacks.

But why does the body benefit from protein in the morning? The body has a natural protein craving, according to Dr. Heike Niemeier. “This is because protein is the most important nutrient for the body.” Water is even more important – but compared to carbohydrates and fats, proteins are the most valuable to the body. The earlier in the day this protein hunger is satisfied, the happier and calmer the body is. “Then it has something it can work with reliably.” 30 grams of protein is also the optimum amount, says Niemeier. “This is the amount that can best be absorbed by the body according to many scientific findings.”

The high-protein diet and its effects on cravings

According to Niemeier, it’s not just breakfast that should be high in protein, but every meal. “Regular, protein-rich meals reduce hunger,” she explains. In addition, the protein metabolism requires considerably less insulin…

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