Get Ready For A Plot Twist: Your Horoscope for March 10 – March 16

Get Ready For A Plot Twist: Your Horoscope for March 10 – March 16

It’s officially eclipse season, folks, and eclipses are known to be wild cards! They bring about unexpected changes and plot twists. Sudden endings and beginnings can be a theme too, depending on your personal placements. Now, let’s talk about the full moon which is taking place in the sign of Virgo. Here, Mama Moon reminds us of the importance of daily rituals and routines that helps us stay sane and centred in the midst of the mayhem. Here’s a great meditation to practice this week: finding magic in the mundane—whether you’re watering your plants or doing the dishes.

That said, you’re also being guided to pay attention to what’s on your plate. To tune into the intelligence of your body and to let it guide you in this moment. Perhaps you’re being called to free yourself from certain addictions, to go on a fast or to add/eliminate certain foods from your diet. Perhaps you’re being asked to improve your condition by studying Ayurveda or plant medicine. Perhaps you’re being called to shift the focus from “calorie-counting” to nourishment. Either way, remember to move intentionally, hydrate, photosynthesize, and get in alignment with the circadian rhythm.

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out! Remember, these are guidance-based horoscopes that can be read according to your Sun, Moon or Rising Signs (Tropical or Sidereal). Take what resonates and let go of the rest! PS: Have a magical week ahead!


Eclipse season, who? The week ahead sees you saying “yes” to all the joy and deliciousness life has to offer. You know that everything is in flux and that there are no straight answers. But you also recognise the order in chaos. You know that your circumstances are enabling you to move forward in ways that were previously unimaginable. So, let go of the burdens of the past and embrace the possibility of all that you can be. What’s more, the cards are also encouraging you to focus on beauty and…

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