Former foreign minister Julie Bishop stuns in elegant photoshoot posing without pants

Former foreign minister Julie Bishop stuns in elegant photoshoot posing without pants

Former foreign minister Julie Bishop has stunned her fans as she appeared in a magazine without pants.

The 66-year-old posed for Stellar Magazine as the weekend’s cover star where she wore an elegant single-buckled blue blazer with nothing but black stockings and matching stilettos.

As Australia’s first female foreign minister Ms Bishop has been known as a dynamic fashion icon and the daring photoshoot solidifies that status.

Ms Bishop was recently announced as an official “friend” David Jones and ahead of International Women’s Day and in her first appearance as an ambassador for the luxury retail store she sat down with the magazine to talk about her life after politics.

“I see myself as a woman who pursues her own career, her own path in life. I set my own standards, I meet my own benchmarks and I don’t let others define who I am or what I do,” she said.

Ms Bishop said the pose was inspired by Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carrie Bradshaw’s pose on the cover of the Sex in the City book

Throughout her 21-year political career Ms Bishop held a number of high positions as government minister and also in the Liberal Party including being the first female deputy leader of the party.

Her role with David Jones will involve endorsing the retail store and she said it would help her to represent women of her demographic more in fashion.

“The designs and the models and the stylists (usually) focus on one demographic; I’m from one that is generally under-represented. I think David Jones appreciates that, as well,” she said.

“(I’m) a career woman who has had a number of careers and yet still wants to be fit and healthy and dress well. Style doesn’t age. Women were considered to have a shelf life, and women in media know this better than most. I think we’ve smashed that paradigm.”

Ms Bishop’s political career and elegant fashion sense was honoured in 2021 when Barbie decided to create her as a doll.

Each year Barbie celebrates female role models…

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