Fashion Designer Valdrin Sahiti Accused Of Conning Black Women

Fashion Designer Valdrin Sahiti Accused Of Conning Black Women

Valdrin Sahiti is a celebrity designer behind the stunning styles worn by Taraji P. Henson, Beyoncé, Halle Bailey, and more. However, the 37-year-old is now being accused of scamming several Black women out of thousands of dollars.

According to The Shade Room’s Justin Carter, the women allege Sahiti ghosted them after they paid hefty deposits for custom wedding gowns.

Now, on this episode of ‘TSR Investigates,’ Carter is getting to the bottom of it all.

More Details Regarding The Allegations Against Valdrin Sahiti

According to Carter, one particular Instagram post of Sahiti’s caught the eye of Tatiana French. French is a soon-to-be bride who will be walking down the aisle this spring.

The woman, based in Texas, says she was instructed to send her “first deposit” in September 2023. Then, she needed to complete professional measurements, and within 6-8 weeks, her custom gown, made in Kosovo, South Europe, would be ready.

“Midway between the 6-8 weeks, they said [I] would have a video showing with the dress on a model of similar measurements,” French told Carter.

According to the soon-to-be bride, she and Sahiti’s company agreed on a gown with a price tag of $2,500. French paid a security deposit of $1,331.

“Then, they’ll do the final touches or whatever that may be, and then they’ll get it shipped out to [me], and shipping would take 24-48 hours through DHL,” French explained.

At the end of the eight-week process, however, French said she hadn’t “heard anything.”

In November, French reached out to the company via WhatsApp. However, according to Carter, she “got the run around for days.”

Frustrated, French booked her flight to Kosovo, determined to bring back her gown “by any means necessary.”

What Happened To The Bride’s $2,000 Wedding Gown?

Sahiti’s company begged the soon-to-be bride to “be patient,” as they had “no…

Read the full article here

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