A cut above the rest | News

A cut above the rest | News

MANDEVILLE, Manchester:

From modelling internationally and gracing the cover of one of the largest magazines focused on black excellence, to creating and positioning a brand that empowers, educates and elevates, Carmen Althea Laing is living true to her calling of helping young women become better versions of themselves.

Though born to parents who were educators that ensured she was not only academically potent but had a comprehensive approach to learning; participating in as many extracurricular activities as were possible, Laing still did not have life easy and had to learn to navigate the world of self-love and confidence.

“My parents nurtured me in all my creative endeavours and supported me unconditionally. My father introduced me to famous poets such as Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley, and as a result I fell in love with English literature and language arts. I was a Girl Guide and participated in the school’s speech and vocal choirs and copped gold and silver medals at JCDC (Jamaica Cultural Development Commission) each year. I was introduced to the pianoforte while at Hampton School during my five years there. I completed grades one to five at the Royal School of London Music Examinations.”

She continued: “But during my childhood I faced ridicule for being so dark skinned and skinny. Truth be told, we are all from different economic backgrounds and we experience emotional and mental challenges and I was not exempt, coupled with being misunderstood.”

But despite the public perception, Laing forged ahead, pursuing the desires that ignited fervour in her heart.

“At 16 years old I entered Excelsior Community College to pursue a Teacher Training Certificate course, majoring in language. I graduated with distinction. At 18 years old, I entered the Miss St Elizabeth Festival Queen Competition and placed second, copping the Most Aware and Most Talented awards.”

Laing’s love for the limelight, nurtured by her mother who relished…

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