The Debut Gem: Nakesha Njie

The Debut Gem: Nakesha Njie

With Nakesha “Njie” there’s so much more that meets the eye!

Known professionally as just Njie, she is a multi-hyphenate talent, solidifying her place as an actress, host and director. With her recent move to the Atlanta area, affectionately known as the “Hollywood of the South,” she can further live out her Hollywood dreams. But what’s behind all the lights and cameras is still a down-to-Earth single mother of three driven by her desire to teach her children the importance of going after your goals, even when it seems the odds are stacked against you. Njie exclusively sits down with The Bold Maven™ to dish on what the true measure of her womanhood is outside of her professional titles as we peel back the layers of her life and her journey to where she is now. 

On a sunny Thursday morning, after we ironed out our technical difficulties with logging on to the Zoom call, I got to see Njie in action as she carried me along with her to run errands before she had to go back into Mom-mode. Being the first of many meetings that day, she hopped on the line with a black hoodie and a glowing fresh face which lit up when asked about her feelings on working in the entertainment industry since 2010. 

“It’s really such a passion. To be able to have this longevity…it’s amazing!” she said. “It means something for me to show to my children, you know, that you can have something that you love and hold on to, that makes you happy. And then they can have the same thing.”

By her response, I knew then that her career wasn’t just something she works so hard at for herself, but what she uses to instill drive and determination into her children, who are 6, 16 and 24-years old. She further tells me, “to be great, we lead by example. It starts with us,” which is the mindset she uses to encourage them to accomplish their own goals from football to singing. “You may not have a good winning streak, but you still keep going so that you can ultimately see your outcome.”

As Njie continued to tell me how her calendars keep her organized with the demands of motherhood and her career, she hopped back in the car, on to the next destination of her busy morning which got me thinking about balance and self care, especially for someone who plays so many different roles in her life. “Sometimes it may just be sitting in the house when the kids go with their dads and I’m just relaxing with my tea and feet kicked up. I love a quiet house every now and then.” She goes on to say just how impactful a daily practice of journaling and prayer is in her life to recalibrate and keep her centered. What briefly stumped her was when I asked about who she was at her core; in the quietness when she’s not being Mom, the actress, or the director…just Njie. 

“That’s a good question. I’m always thinking about other people; having to get dressed up and putting on different hats, even in my alone time.” 

As she sat pondering for just a second, realizing in that moment just how much of herself she gives to others, her silence was revealing. It showed me just how much of a giver she was of her time, energy and space. In an industry that is easy to make yourself the center of attention, her gratitude for life shines through with the giving energy from her spirit; a rarity in entertainment. There was no ego, no vainness and no conceit. Just a passionate woman who wants the best for her family as she gets to live out her dream and perfect her craft.

Even when asked about her dream collaboration, “I just want to work with people who are passionate about their craft. I don’t care who you are, you can be the most famous person in the world, it’s a matter of energy. I want that type of energy around me.” 

That infectious energy is what makes her job that much more worth it. She reveals how many difficulties and hiccups can occur while on set and how important it is to have the right energy around to keep the work flowing smoothly and the positive vibes present. Being around good energy for her is imperative as one of the things she revealed to me that people may not expect from her is the “other” side of her when being pushed too far with negative energy. 

She also revealed that people may not expect that she actually ‘made it.’ She reflects, “when it comes down to people not believing in me. I think for them, something that they won’t expect is that I made it.” I see the proud smile creep across her face as she continues, “I made it against all odds with all my adversity, with all my ups and downs, and the tears, and the sorrows. I made it!”

We end our call on a high note as I ask her where she sees herself five, even ten, years from now. “I see myself as a homeowner, I see my son in college doing very well. I see my daughter excelling in school. I definitely see myself in a huge Hollywood film, or on a talk show. I see myself with programs that give back to the youth, especially underprivileged youths, or anyone that may be in a vulnerable state in their lives and just needs that big pick-me-up to get them going again.” I continue to see her naturally giving spirit shining through with her desire to help humanity. “I see myself doing a lot. Still giving back and still giving of myself. I can’t help that part.”

Njie can be found in her new suspense-drama project as one of the lead actresses in A Taste of Betrayal, alongside London “Deelishis” Charles and Oshea Russell set to be released later this year.

IG: @njieofficial

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