Newly 40, Alexa Chung Shares 40 Pearls of Wisdom With Vogue

Newly 40, Alexa Chung Shares 40 Pearls of Wisdom With Vogue

1. Wherever I travel, I always regret not packing a navy blue sweater.

2. As a 20-something millennial, I knew the world revolved around me and that I was special. By now, I am aware that the exact opposite is true, and actually any calamity I have experienced has been encountered by most humans and will be again. It is true that every thorn has a rose, and getting through those more testing times has made me certain that…

3. Your friends will be one of the great romances of your life. I spent a lot of my 30s—a lot of my life, to be honest—preoccupied with romantic entanglements and the pursuit of everlasting, undying love. During that time, and the heartbreak I both endured and delivered, I am grateful to have had the luxury of friends I could spill my guts to and vice versa. I was once so heartbroken I had a spontaneous nosebleed in a Mexican restaurant when my friend asked me, “How are you?” The point is: The people who nurse you through the great loves of your life are the great loves of your life! You are not without love.

4. Competition is healthy. Turn jealousy, that most devious of emotions, into motivation.

5. Pobody’s nerfect—including you. Failing at something sucks, but at least you were bold enough to try.

6. Sit out a trend if it doesn’t suit you. I would love to wear low-slung Y2K jeans. Unfortunately, they didn’t suit me then and they don’t suit me now. I have made my peace with this.

7. Men’s socks are far superior to women’s socks. Why do people think women want very short, very thin, weirdly patterned socks like we are nine years old? I now buy all of mine from the men’s department.

8. I forgot to worry about my neck. Even though I read Nora Ephron explain she forgot to moisturize her neck when I was in my 20s, I have in fact forgotten to moisturize mine and it now features crevices I can’t fix. A friend of mine sings, “The neck is a part of the face,” as he moisturizes. You should too.

9. If you are experiencing…

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