​​The Folklore Is Putting African Fashion and Beauty Brands on the Main Stage

​​The Folklore Is Putting African Fashion and Beauty Brands on the Main Stage

TV: What has changed for your business since working with The Folklore?

SS: So much! Before working with The Folklore, to meet retailers, I had to go to wholesale shows like Shoppe Object and NY Now. While those shows are great, for a small brand like mine with limited resources, they are very expensive. These shows run anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000 for a booth, then there is the airfare, hotels etc. Then multiply that by the buying seasons in the year and it really adds up. I was awarded a booth at my first wholesale trade show through Shoppe Object’s Black Lives Matter Action Initiative scholarship, but replicating the success of that show without the scholarship has been tough.

With The Folklore, I can work with a dedicated sales agent, save on the cost of booths and all the other fees associated with exhibiting. It is a great alternative for a smaller brand like mine. Also, on the show floor, smaller brands have to compete for attention with larger more established brands who spend thousands of dollars on their booths to make it more eye-catching. This also doesn’t make a lot of show room floors diverse in terms of makers & designers. On the Folklore’s platform, buyers are looking specifically for smaller brands like mine who have unique, culturally-rich perspectives and processes. I feel like I get to do a lot less explaining who I am, and a lot more connecting with potential buyers.

TV: Outside of shopping, what can consumers do to help brands like yours gain more visibility?

SS: Be our advocates. Even with the advent of social media and perhaps because of the noise it creates, word of mouth goes a long way. Small brands like mine might not have the funds to work with popular influencers to enhance our visibility but if we have amazing customers that love our products and share it with their communities, it helps in every way.

TV: What do you wish you knew about the business before starting?

SS: That building a sustainable textile business might require…

Read the full article here

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