What i wore: Dallas conference

What i wore: Dallas conference

A few weeks ago I decided to go out of my comfort zone and flew to Dallas for a “content creators” conference! I ended up learning so much from speakers and peers from a wide range of ages and backgrounds, and left feeling very thankful that I get to do what I love for a job.

Outfits-wise, I can easily navigate dressing for a traditional work conference, but knowing the crowd here would be much more fashion-oriented I definitely spun my wheels figuring out what to pack! Here were the different days / activities and what I ended up wearing:

1. Conference day – smart casual

what to wear to a work conference networking event petite style
Amazon jacket xs (in brown; buttons removed), Aritzia Effortless pants 0 short, similar mockneck, Edited Pieces belt xxs, Heaven Mayhem earrings

See a video of this look on me.

When in doubt, I always go for a well tailored pair of trousers and a jacket. It’s easy to tailor this formula based on the industry and crowd, like going more traditional with a blazer or more casual with a cardigan.

Since it was a trendier crowd, I wore this cropped Amazon jacket that I found last fall and got so many questions on it! For me, snipping off the buttons…

Read the full article here

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Fashion, style tips, and outfit ideas | Based in Boston.