7 Fenugreek Benefits that Make It a Superfood Staple

7 Fenugreek Benefits that Make It a Superfood Staple

Though many herbs are touted as superfoods with many health benefits, few live up to the hype. So if everyone (read “your algorithms”) is telling you that the fenugreek benefits are “too good to pass up and you must start incorporating the herb into your diet immediately,” it’s natural to be skeptical—especially if you’ve never come across it before.

But in this case, you can rest assured that this isn’t another wellness trend. Fenugreek is hardly new and one of those IYKYK foods that experts agree can be beneficial for everyone looking to improve their lifestyle.

What is fenugreek?

Fenugreek, more formally known as trigonella foenum-graecum, is a medicinal plant that has been long used in traditional medicine. It can be found in various parts of the world, such as the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, India, and western Asia, and many cultures incorporate it into their dishes. According to Elle Bernardo, RD, a registered dietitian at Health Meets Wellness, the plant contains bioactive compounds that benefit overall health.

It is made of fibre and rich in nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Bernardo goes on to say that it can be prepared in many ways for consumption, such as seeds, leaves, spices, herbal teas, and supplements. It’s also easily accessible: you can find it in most grocery stores, health-food stores and pharmacies.

The benefits of fenugreek

As one of the more multifaceted herbs out there, fenugreek comes with loads of health benefits. The main seven ones are:

May help with breastmilk production

Fenugreek is often marketed as a natural substance that one can use to improve lactation. Studies show that it contains properties that may stimulate breast development or help with milk removal. But both Bernardo and Colin Malloy, RD, registered dietitian at Mount Sinai and international board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC), say that more studies need to be done to definitively prove this. “Every breastfeeding…

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