Is Sustainable Fashion Yet Another Passing Trend?

Is Sustainable Fashion Yet Another Passing Trend?

Fashion accounts for over ⅕ of the world’s pollution.

Without going into more stats, as the internet is brimming with overwhelmingly depressing reports on the topic, let’s collectively agree that an industry fuelled solely by the fourth or fifth step on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is rapidly putting our collective living arrangement, namely, the planet Earth, at risk. We don’t need to follow sartorial trends the way we need to heat & cool down our homes, grow and harvest our food and maintain our sense of community through travel – all of which was spelt out to us by Maslov in the 1950s. Enter the 3rd industrial revolution around the same time, humanity leaps from surviving to thriving, and here we are. According to the World Bank, Fashion accounts for around 10% of global carbon emissions.

Now, the industry is agile and quickly picked up on the international outcry for sustainability, and collectively, grand gestures were made globally. On a grassroots consumer level, we followed.

European luxury conglomerates LVMH and Kering rolled out science-backed sustainability roadmaps – addressing everything from renewable energy to responsible sourcing. We, as consumers, suddenly became attuned to things like thrifting, which wasn’t a novelty but perhaps needed a bit of a marketing ”facelift”.

Brands like Stella McCartney are proactively developing new materials, resulting in progressive pieces like the Frayme Mylo Bag, the world’s first luxury bag made from mycelium, a mushroom-based leather alternative. She also happens to be stunning.

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