Biohacking, a concept that blends age-old wisdom with cutting-edge innovation, empowers you to take charge of your health and well-being. From optimising circadian rhythms to stepping into temperatures below -110c, it’s about improving focus, energy, and resilience, key priorities in the fast-paced life in the Middle East.
With year-round sunshine as a natural advantage, the region is ideal for exploring this transformative practice. Start small, track your progress, and tailor biohacking techniques to suit your unique needs.
Here, five wellness experts and enthusiasts share their tried-and-tested methods for unlocking your body’s full potential.
Sunlight & Circadian Rhythms with Rhea Jacobs
Take advantage of the Middle East’s abundant sunshine by soaking in morning light within the first hour of waking. This simple habit regulates your circadian rhythm, boosting energy, improving sleep, and enhancing mood. “I believe the simplest forms of self-care are often the most transformative,” says wellness entrepreneur Rhea Jacobs. “Sunlight, nature bathing, and grounding reconnect us to the power of Earth’s energy. We are so overstimulated by the technology around us that a moment like this is so essential to help calm the mind, reset our circadian rhythm, and nurture our mental and physical well-being,” Jacobs adds. Practise grounding by walking barefoot on grass or in the sand for a few minutes every day. Click here for more information.
Somatic Movement with Constanze Witzel
“At The Achievher Studio, we believe in more than just fitness; we believe in the power of intentional movement to reconnect you with your body, relieve stress, and create lasting personal growth,” begins Constanze Witzel, a Somatic & Nervous System Mentor. Somatic movement works directly with your body’s systems to enhance performance, improve health, and create lasting change. It works by rewiring the brain-body connection, reducing stress, and unlocking your body’s natural…