Lebanese Jewelry Designer Nadine Kanso Reveals Her Style Superstars

Lebanese Jewelry Designer Nadine Kanso Reveals Her Style Superstars

The second season of ‘My Style Superstars’ continues with Lebanese jewelry designer Nadine Kanso. Beloved in the region and beyond as creative director of Bil Arabi, Kanso’s one-of-a-kind pieces can be spotted from a mile away with their incorporation of Arabic calligraphy and bold jewel tones.

As someone who knows the importance of jewelry in elevating any ensemble, it makes sense that Kanso’s style superstars are mainly cherished accessories. She begins with the eyewear she’s chosen for her own look on the day, which are yellow-tinted vintage Dior glasses. “I got this from my grandma. She passed away a long time back and I found them in her closet and I decided to keep them, and they’re so relevant and super cool,” she says. Kanso goes on to talk about a special ring in her collection, which she designed herself: “I bought this emerald years ago on one of my first trips to Hong Kong and I kept it in the safe for so many tears until I found the right design and the right person to produce this for me.” Speaking of the only clothing item in her style superstars, an old Bottega Veneta blazer, she says, “I find this piece very elegant and very different. It’s something that I will keep in my closet forever and I will wear it at any point in time and it’s going to give me pleasure.”

As for her one style tip? “I always say that one has to buy something that they relate to, that they know how to wear, and which gives them not only confidence but they feel good in. This is where you will be showing the best side of you.”

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